Diaszpóra Felsőoktatási Ösztöndíjprogramról!
Diaszpóra Felsőoktatási Ösztöndíjprogramról a diaszpórában élő fiatalok számára, melynek jelentkezési határideje 2021. január 24.
Fulfil your professional dreams while you explore your Hungarian heritage – the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship gives you an exceptional chance to develop both personally and academically.
While studying in Hungary, you can discover the thousand-year-old Hungarian history and culture, experience unique Hungarian traditions and also enhance your Hungarian language skills.
As a Diaspora Scholarship holder, you can receive an internationally recognised degree at a top-level Hungarian higher education institution and acquire highly competitive knowledge to advance both personally and academically. You can choose from a wide range of programmes taught in Hungarian that cover all higher education fields at all degree levels.
The Diaspora Scholarship is also an excellent opportunity to build your professional network and discover everything about the country in a supporting and welcoming student environment!