A Brit Digitális Kultúra, Média és Sport Minisztérium levele!

Posted by on márc 8, 2019 in MAOSZ hírek | No Comments

Tisztelt Angliai Magyar Szervezetek!

Alább továbbítjuk a brit Digitális Kultúra, Média és Sport Minisztérium levelét, melyet szervezetünknek küldtek. Ebben tájékoztatást találnak a következőkről: azon tagjaink akik közvetlenül az EU-hoz is pályáztak támogatásért és a projekt még nem fejeződött be, egy No Deal Brexit esetén is megkapják az EU által már megígért pénzösszeget, amennyiben a projektet regisztrálják. Kérem figyelmesen olvassák el az alábbi levelet. Ha kérdésük van, közvetlenül a minisztériummal lépjenek kapcsolatba.


„The government is contacting UK organisations receiving European funding from the Europe for Citizens programme of projects that run until after EU Exit. Based information we have received, your organisation is a beneficiary of an Europe for Citizens European Union grant project.

Please respond to us directly providing us with the Project Name, if the above programme has closed or our information is not correct.

This email is to inform you of the relationship between EU Exit, and the funding you currently receive through the Europe for Citizens fund. We would like you to register each project via a dedicated DCMS EU Funding registration form so we might update you on EU Exit arrangements. In the unlikely event of a ‘No Deal’ scenario, you will at a later point be asked to update this information and provide further details to ensure that the funding for the delivery of your project will be covered.

Please note that at this stage, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) will only use the information you provide to update you on EU Funding developments and on DCMS’s preparations of the delivery of the guarantee, which is outlined below.

Europe for Citizens after EU Exit

In a deal scenario, the UK will continue to take part in all EU programmes after 29 March 2019 for the rest of the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework and UK organisations can continue to bid for EU programme funding until December 2020. For your project it would mean that nothing would change; the European Executive Agency will continue to administer and make payments to all running Europe for Citizens projects.

Government guarantee

In the unlikely event of ‘no deal’, the UK will leave the EU Budget on 29 March 2019 and UK organisations would no longer receive future funding from the European Commission. However, the government has guaranteed to cover successful bids submitted by UK participants before the UK exits the EU, for the full duration of the projects. This was announced by the Chancellor in 2016 and more detailed information can be found in a technical notice about European funding that was published in September 2018.

Europe for Citizens is covered by the guarantee. It means that the government will cover the payment of awards where UK organisations successfully bid directly to the European Commission on a competitive basis while we remain in the EU. Successful proposals submitted before EU exit will be funded for the lifetime of the project. This includes projects that are only informed of their success or sign a grant agreement after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

As Europe for Citizens is directly managed by the EU, we will work with the European Commission to agree on the eligibility of UK partners after EU Exit, especially for projects with multiple beneficiaries from different participating countries. It is our clear preference that UK organisations will be able to continue to participate in projects for their lifetime.

Request to register

We would like to ask you to register your project and to share your grant agreement or application so that we can provide you with targeted information about the Government guarantee and prepare its delivery. If necessary, we will also use this information to ask you further details about your projects to ensure that the UK Government can put in place the necessary arrangements for delivering the guarantee. If you are concerned about the information we are requesting, a privacy notice with more information is attached.

Note that completing the registration should not take more than 15 minutes. In the registration form we simply ask for basic information about each project, your organisation, a submission of each grant agreement or application, and some basic financial information.

Please ensure you:

  • register each individual project with us in a separate form

  • have the grant agreement or application with you when you register, and forward your grant agreement on to EUguarantee@culture.gov.uk

  • send us a copy of your grant application, so we might learn about your projects outputs and objectives. You can find this in the section ‘Description of Project’ in your grant application.

The online registration form can be found here: https://goo.gl/forms/kIX6RancYCIIg9h53

We ask that you complete the registration.

You will receive targeted information about the Government guarantee in due course. However, if you have urgent questions, you can contact us on EUguarantee@culture.gov.uk.